Custom Solutions
Crafting Specialized Components with
Precision and Expertise
Our skilled craftsmen take pride in being able to produce specialized and integral components that satisfy the unique needs of the end users. Our experience and knowledge of producing special assemblies enable us to meet the toughest of specifications and delivery schedules.

Oil And Gas
The oil and gas industry has changed significantly with the development of new exploration technologies such as “fracking”. These changes have created a need for new heavy platform-based processing plants.
Race Rock is a one-source partner for oil and gas engineering firms producing the heavy platform foundations needed to build the processing plants. We pride ourselves in meeting your needs as an AISC Quality Fabricator.
Heavy Weldment
Most industrial and commercial projects require heavy weldments to allow equipment to be placed into the structure. These weldments often require an open span to be maintained while still elevating heavy items within the structure.
Race Rock has the ability and capabilities to fabricate heavy weldments with plate up to 6” thick while maintaining ultrasonic testing or radiograph quality specifications and needs.
We can also facilitate the efficient logistics and safe physical shipment of your parts domestically or abroad, by truck, rail, water or air as needed.

OEM Components & Parts
Most industrial and commercial projects require very heavy weldments to allow equipment to be placed into the structure. These weldments often require an open span to be maintained while still elevating heavy items within the structure.
Race Rock has the ability and capabilities to fabricate heavy weldments with plate up to 6” thick while maintaining ultrasonic testing or radiograph quality specifications and needs. We can also facilitate the efficient logistics and safe physical shipment of your parts domestically or abroad, by truck, rail, water or air as needed.
Solar Components
Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available, and the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the world.
Modern technology can harness this energy for a variety of uses, including generating electricity, providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and heating water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use.
We fulfill the demand for the systems to support the panels. Our team will ensure the most cost-effective fabrication and manufacturing solutions for solar energy providers.

Sub – Assemblies
Race Rock employees, management, equipment and expertise are available to fabricate just about anything you might need made from carbon steel, stainless steel or aluminum.
From wind turbine sub-assemblies to oil field parts, handrails or conveyors, if you have a drawing, we can make it.
Sub – Trusses
Race Rock can make any size of steel trusses with capabilities to manufacture trusses from less than 1 ton up to 40 tons in weight.
You will find our trusses in buildings, equipment and even on highways and roadways.

Light Rail
Race Rock has a significant history and background in fabricating OCS poles (overhead contact systems) for the light rail industry.
Phoenix, Los Angeles, Denver and Houston are just a few examples of cities where you can find our catenary poles, beams and counterweight systems.
These systems are designed by light rail engineering firms and installed by our customers. We have a full range of capability that allows us to make all types of OCS supports including multisided poles, wide flange beam supports, multi-track cantilevers, Drop Tubes, trusses, under bridge flashing, supports, etc.
In addition, we have access to all types of coating regardless of the specification. We have powder coated, galvanized and wet coated OCS poles.
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